ZIMBABWE – Freedom Day – 21st Nov 2017

A few minutes ago Robert Mugabe resigned – absolutely fantastic news. Mugabe has been in power as president since Independence in 1980 – 37 long years ago. For the first few years he managed the country reasonably well but since 1990 he has been a terrible dictator. Many deaths are attributable to his actions particularly in Matabeleland. He bankrupted the country, looted its wealth for his and his crony’s personal gain and….. Read More
UK Business Memberships
We are members of: IOE, FSB, ISBE and the Cheltenham Chamber of Commerce which gives us access to a wide variety of knowledge and resources allowing collaboration, debate and sharing of valuable insight, knowledge and best practice and a powerful voice in government.

International Outlook – Economics and Politics
It has been a turbulent year in the UK and internationally. Firstly, the Brexit vote…. the outlook in the UK is one of uncertainty. The Brexit process will be long. Import costs are increasing due to the fall in sterling. This will result in an increase in UK inflation. This could lead to a rise in UK interest rate.
Secondly, the American election. Trump has stated he will borrow USD 1 Trillion and invest this in USA infrastructure and he says he will reduce tax rates. So far the effect has been to increase the value of the dollar a bit, the Dow Jones is up but the big effect is the sharp fall in the price of bonds and thus an increase in yields resulting in a forecast of higher USA interest rates. This will also suck One Trillion USD out of the world market and Trump is planning to force USA companies to….
Read MoreUK / EU Referendum
The EU referendum will be held on the 23rd June 2016 and is probably the most important decision to be taken in recent British history and one that will determine the future of our beloved country and every man, woman and child who resides in it. There is much debate on the subject, but this article looks at the facts and discusses how we are seen in the world, the economy, trade, inward investment, politics, immigration, security, jobs and much more…..
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